Selecting a Dog Trainer

Sit … stay … no … stay! These are your toys … these are my toys … don’t touch! NOOOO … outside - you go potty outside! Training a new dog can be trying experience.  It is important that you give yourself the tools to be successful in training your dog.  It takes a lot [...]

Ginny Weasley and “Her Boy”

In March of 2008, I was in charge of doing weekend treatments for the rescued orange kitty at GVH with many medical issues. She was still young but, had endured so much including, reoccurring upper respitory infections, poor nutrition and unexpected breeding.  She was still looking for her forever home.  On Saturday night, my then [...]

Why Should I Crate Train My Dog?

Question: Why Should I Crate Train My Dog? Crate training is a great way to provide a sanctuary of sorts for your dog.  This “safe haven” is a useful tool in raising a healthy dog.  It is becomes their “space” where they can feel safe and secure and can help with overall training. Crates [...]

New Year’s Resolution……for Your Cat

Is your cat overweight?  Now might be the time to start thinking about a New Year’s resolution for your cat.  “Cat Obesity has become a serious and widespread health issue.  A recent veterinary survey indicates that 29% of 8,000 cats are overweight or obese.  Extra weight, even a pound or two, can lead to other, [...]

Selecting a Puppy from a Breeder

I have never purchased a puppy from a breeder.  What should I look for when selecting my puppy? When going to a breeder’s home to select a puppy try to view each puppy individually.  This will allow you to meet each puppy’s personality on an individual basis.  If you try to assess the entire litter [...]

How to Select a Dog?

How to select a dog? My husband is a Lab for life type of guy.  I am not sure that he really knows why but nevertheless he has chosen a breed that he will love forever.  I, on the other hand, am a search and rescue type of gal.  My breed of choice is a [...]

Vaccinations for Your Indoor Cat…Why???

Why do I have to vaccinate my indoor cat? “We were carrying groceries in and the cat ran out.” “The realtor showed our house and our cat escaped through an open door.” “We wanted an indoor cat but this kitten was definitely an outdoor cat.” Vaccines provide our pets with the opportunity to live longer, [...]

What is the Ideal Weight for My Cat?

There are many factors that you need to look at when assessing your cat’s weight.  Here are some questions you should ask yourself: Can you see her ribs or spine? Can you see your cat’s waist? Does her stomach sag? Does her face look more round with larger cheeks? Kitty appears tired or lazy Apprehension [...]

Holiday Hazards

From your pets point of view the holidays bring many new smells and new temptations into their environment.  Pet parents need to be aware of what can be dangerous and toxic. Toxins on the table Fatty foods such as Turkey skin can cause stomach upset and worse can lead to a potentially deadly inflammation [...]

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