About Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital

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So far Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital has created 230 blog entries.

For the Love of a Dalmatian

The Dalmatian is a good dog for an active family! They require moderate daily exercise and make great running companions.  The Dalmatian excels at traditional obedience, agility, tracking and road trails and finds great enjoyment in demonstrating their great endurance and speed.  Our GVH client, Laura Levengood, loves Dalmatians!!  Here is what she wrote about [...]

Celebrating The Bond…Man’s Best Friend

Unconditional love. Pure and simple.  It's a special bond.  That’s what my pets mean to me.  Even though my wife and I have been married for nearly 27 years, we never had any children.  Our current menagerie of pets are our kids.  I’m talking about Gilligan, Bahama, Gidget, and Mulan. Gilligan is my guy, my [...]

What do you mean – Fear Free?

What do you mean - fear free?  Picture Sally, a young woman about to enter an office.  See if you can guess where Sally is... Sally opens the door and sees that the walls are covered in warm and tranquil colors, she hears the sounds of trickling water and soft music humming in the background, and the air is [...]

Music Aids Pets Recovery

Take a moment and make a mental list of all the times you hear music throughout your day. Many of you listen to music in the car, possibly at work, while exercising and in your home. It is a large part of our daily lives and it has the ability to excite us, help us focus and even to [...]

Cancer Awareness

You Can Make A Difference Go to the Bark for Life website to learn how you can get involved. Find an Event Volunteer as a survivor or caregiver Donate your time or money What is Cancer? Cancer is cells within the body that are growing and dividing in an abnormal manner and rate [...]

Top 4 Questions about Leptospirosis

“I don’t take my dog in the woods - he only goes in my backyard. He barely even goes outside.” Many pet parents think that if my dog only goes outside briefly - he can’t possibly get these diseases.  But the reality is that your furry family member can easily contract bacteria, viruses, parasites, and [...]

Bulldogs are Beautiful

Thinking about getting a Bulldog? You won’t regret it!!  As if their adorable face is not enough to make you fall in love, Bulldogs have an amazing temperament and incredible personality.  They are full of energy one minute and then will turn around and lay down for hours on end. Ever since I was little, [...]

Switch Puppy Food to Adult Food

When you switch puppy food to adult food, consider the age of your pet. Usually, the switch from puppy food to adult food occurs between the ages of 10-12 months for the majority of dog breeds (small, medium, and large). We want to make sure that as puppies, they are given the appropriate amount of calories [...]

Gilbert: Our Official GVH Mascot

Meet Gilbert, the official mascot of Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital.  Gilbert joined the GVH team in Fall of 2014. He was a little “ruff” around the edges at first.  So we sent him to GVH Business Manager, Diane's house for a week long doggy boot camp. Boot camp was a challenge that involved some obedience [...]

Pet Sitter: The Right Fit For You

When preparing to go away, pet owners often find themselves wondering what the best care for their pet would be. While kennels are a great place for pets to be social, receive daily care, and are safe, they aren’t always the best option for all pets.  If your pet tends to become more stressed in [...]

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