care credit.001Question:  Are there alternative ways to pay for preventative care?

Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital offers Care Credit as a simply way to pay for any of our services whether for emergencies or for expected care.  Dental procedures are an important part of keeping your pet healthy.

Applying is fast and simple…. Just go to and click on the Care Credit icon on our home page and complete application. Submit and you will find out immediately if you have been approved and your credit limit. If approved, print out or write down your 16 digit account number to provide to us for payment until your card arrives and bring in two forms of I. D. and you are set to go. Talk with a Client Care Specialist to answer any questions you may have or for application support.  Any charges $200 or more that are put on your Care Credit card receive deferred interested for a 6th month period.

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