Fecal Snacks? Why Does My Dog Do “That”?

It’s a common issue that nobody likes to talk about.  You take your dog for a walk and they “do their business” as usual but instead of moving on they turn and gobble it up. Just the thought makes you sick, so why does my dog do "that"? Dogs’ consuming their own feces (or other animals’) is [...]

Teach Your Dog Not to Chew

Let’s look at some techniques that will help guide you as you teach your dog not to chew. First, let’s get into the right mind set.  It is important to think about rewarding your pet for their good behavior instead of punishing them when they chew.  Just as you would child proof your home for [...]

Crate Training – A Safe Haven For Your Dog

Why might my dog need to be confined or crate trained? Dogs are highly social animals that make wonderful pets. They can be effective as watchdogs, are excellent companions for play and exercise, and are sources of affection and comfort. However, with the lifestyle and schedule of the majority of families, dogs must learn to spend [...]

Stress Relief For Your Cat With Feliway

Do you have a cat that scratches the furniture, sprays, or hides under the bed for most of the day? Do you have multiple cats that hiss at each other and fight? If this sounds familiar your feline friend(s) may be feeling stressed. Things like moving, redecorating, traveling, or a visit to the groomer or [...]

What do you mean – Fear Free?

What do you mean - fear free?  Picture Sally, a young woman about to enter an office.  See if you can guess where Sally is... Sally opens the door and sees that the walls are covered in warm and tranquil colors, she hears the sounds of trickling water and soft music humming in the background, and the air is [...]

Back to School With Your Dog

The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to go back to school with your dog too! Since dogs can learn at all ages and stages of life, it is never too late to correct bad habits, teach new tricks, and improve your relationship with your dog. Enrolling your dog in a training program [...]

Getting Your Cat in The Carrier

Most cat owners understand and dread the idea of having to place their normally sweet, gentle kitty into a carrier for a trip to the veterinarian. Getting your cat in the carrier can result in your perfectly peaceful feline turning into a ball of claws and teeth, fighting to flee. First, it is important to start [...]

4th of July Safety for Your Pet

The 4th of July, the celebration of the birth of our nation, is a day of good food, fun, celebrating with friends and family, and fireworks.  But for some of our pets, it can be a day of anxiety. Pets experience the world through their senses and those senses - smell, vision, and hearing- are overloaded. [...]

Oh how we love our puppies!

To celebrate our puppies we decided to ask some of our colleagues about their puppies. Q1: Why did you choose the breed of dog you have?  Q2: What was the hardest part of having this breed of dog as a puppy? Dr. Hanlon and Diane, Business Manager, talk about Mary Grace “Gracie” and Gabriel (Alapaha [...]

Back to School Anxiety in Your Pet 2016

Summer is a great time filled with swimming, hiking, and playing in the yard with our faithful friends. As the summer comes to a close and parents send their children back to school, it is important to remember that our four legged friends may feel lonely after having their best buddies home all summer. As [...]

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