Anal Glands Can Be A Smelly Problem

You may be wondering why your dog or cat is dragging his bum across the floor. It may be an issue with their anal glands. Anal glands are two small glands just inside of your pet’s anus. They produce a thick, oily, smelly substance that in wild animals is used to mark territory or for [...]

Reuniting Lost Pets

Did you know that about one out of three pets will go missing in their lifetime?  Statistics show that 90% of pets will not be reunited with their family, if they do not have a form of identification.  At Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital we recognize the incredible bond that people share with their pet. We also [...]

The Seeing Eye, Inc.

The Seeing Eye, Inc. is the oldest existing guide dog school in the world. Their mission is to enhance the independence, dignity, and self confidence of people who are blind, through the use of specially trained Seeing Eye® dogs. Twelve times a year, as many as 24 students at a time visit their Morristown, NJ [...]

Ever Leave Poop Behind?

Ever leave poop behind?  "You can make a difference to our environment by being a responsible pet owner. Be prepared. Carry bags with you to pick up pet waste. It’s a good idea to carry a few extras with you in case you meet someone in need. Collect your pet’s poop in a bag and [...]

Thinking About Adopting a Greyhound?

So you are thinking about adopting a Greyhound? I say GO FOR IT! I may be a little biased though as I have my own retired racer, and have had a love for the breed most of my life.  These retired athletes make great pets, and there are thousands in need of a home right [...]

My Greyhound: Manny’s Adoption Story

As National Greyhound Adoption month is drawing near it makes me reflect on my boy, “Manny” and the road I traveled to become a proud Greyhound owner. I guess it all started when I was a kid. A Reverend in town used to ride his bike all over town, and his beautiful black and white [...]

Lyme Disease in Our Backyard

Did you know according to the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) 1 out of 7 dogs tested positive for Lyme disease in Pennsylvania?  Here are some statistics: 5.7% of those cases were in Montgomery County. 2.43% of those cases were in Berks County. Pennsylvania is considered a high risk state for Lyme disease in humans and [...]

Oh how we love our puppies!

To celebrate our puppies we decided to ask some of our colleagues about their puppies. Q1: Why did you choose the breed of dog you have?  Q2: What was the hardest part of having this breed of dog as a puppy? Dr. Hanlon and Diane, Business Manager, talk about Mary Grace “Gracie” and Gabriel (Alapaha [...]

Military Animals

Animals have a long history of helping the military in times of war. Military animals have helped to keep military personnel and bases safe, provided transportation of supplies and personnel, kept communication open between personnel, and controled disease. Many people are unaware of the key roles that animals play in the Military: Dogs: Dogs have [...]

Stages of Dental Disease

Did you know that there are different stages of dental disease? Stage 1  Inflammation at the gum line Redness Plaque Accumulation Stage 2 All symptoms in stage one plus ... The tartar that mineralization of plaque Bad breath Volatile Sulfur Compounds Stage 3 Early periodontal disease All symptoms in stage [...]

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