Is Your Cat Hiding Something?

The Importance of Exams and Lab Work for Your Cat “My cat is an indoor only, and he/she is young and seems to be healthy. Do I have to come in for an exam?  Because they are an indoor only cat do I have to get the wellness lab work this year?” It is important [...]

Gilbert: Our Official GVH Mascot

Meet Gilbert, the official mascot of Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital.  Gilbert joined the GVH team in Fall of 2014. He was a little “ruff” around the edges at first.  So we sent him to GVH Business Manager, Diane's house for a week long doggy boot camp. Boot camp was a challenge that involved some obedience [...]

Life with Chickens

I want a horse, a cow, couple of pigs, a few goats but CHICKENS??? That was never on my list.  But here I am at 32 raising and loving 8 wonderful chickens.  Last March my husband and I purchased a home with a few acres of land. We ventured out to Tractor Supply and found [...]

A Career in the Veterinary Field (Part 1)

Veterinary medicine is an exciting and dynamic field with many career opportunities. If you are interested in pursuing a career in the veterinary field, first consider which area of veterinary medicine most interests you.  Here is a list of some of the typical areas of focus available: Private Practice Corporate Practice Teaching & Research [...]

Choosing the Best Way to Transport Your Cat

We all dread the idea of having to place our normally calm, cuddly kitty into a cat carrier for the stressful trip to the veterinarian. By the time the trip is done you may feel like you have fought the battle of the century. Choosing the best cat carrier for your cat can help make [...]

Never Leave Your Pet In the Car

Hot Car Safety...Never Leave Your Pet in the Car.  70 degree weather is beautiful but it can be deadly if you leave your pet inside your car for too long.  Watch veterinary technician Meg demonstrate how hot it gets inside her car.

Leptospirosis Symptoms and Prevention

What is Leptospirosis? Leptospirosis is the one of the world’s most common diseases that is transmitted from animals to people yet is relatively unknown. It is transmitted to humans by contaminated water getting into breaks in the skin, the eyes, or the mucous membranes. The water is contaminated by infected animals, primarily rats, mice [...]

Care Credit

Question:  Are there alternative ways to pay for preventative care? Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital offers Care Credit as a simply way to pay for any of our services whether for emergencies or for expected care.  Dental procedures are an important part of keeping your pet healthy. Applying is fast and simple.... Just go to and click [...]

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