30124_1466677544599_7321282_nFun Fur Facts About Cats

1. Trichobezoar is the proper name for hairballs. It comes from the Greek root, trich, which means “hair.” A bezoar is any mass found in the stomach or intestines. It comes from the Persian word for “antidote or protection from poison.”

2. Most cats will consume about 6 oz of fur or the weight of 30 quarters in one year.


3. The heaviest hairball surgically removed weighed 7.5 ounces and was 5 inches wide from a cat named Gemma in England.

4. All animals get hairballs but it is most prevalent in cats, ferrets, rabbits.

5. Hairballs were once thought to cure epilepsy and the plague. They were also used to prevent poisoning and act as an antidote if poisoning had all ready occurred.

6. During the Middle Ages, hairballs were set in gold. Modern day jewelry designer Heidi Abrahamson created cat hair jewelry for Modern Cat founder Kate Benjamin in 2011 to celebrate National Hairball Awareness Day.

“How to” Remove Hairball Stains from your Carpet

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#1 Pick up any solid material with a paper towel. Make sure to not rub or push the hairball into the carpet as you pick it up.

#2 Blot the area repeatedly with a clean wet cloth to help remove the soiled spot.

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#3 If a spot remains dab a small amount of mild soap or carpet cleaning solution on the area and blot with a clean, wet cloth.

#4 For more stubborn stains cover the moist area with a layer of salt about 1/4 inch thick.

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#5 Wait for the salt to dry, which may take 12-24 hours, maybe longer if it’s cold or damp.

#6 Once the salt is completely dry step on the salt and grind it up with your foot to break it up.

#7 Brush the broken up salt into a dust pan using a stiff scrub brush or vacuum it up.