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National Hug Your Cat Day – June 4th.  Find a kitty and celebrate!!! You maybe laughing at the idea of National Hug Your Cat Day, but do you know there are some important reasons to reach out and hug your cat. Research has found that hugging your feline friend is extremely effective at helping to lessen symptoms associated with major illnesses, helps with loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress. The benefit of hugging your cat is not just beneficial for you but also for your kitty. Kitties also benefit mentally and physically by the human animal interaction associated with hugging. Below is a list of reasons to hug your cat not just today but all year around.  

Top Five Reasons to Hug Your Cat:

#1 Hugs strengthen the pet/human bond – Gentle interaction is very important when a new kitty enters your house. A slow reassuring hug will reassure your new addition that they are safe and loved in their new surroundings. Ferial cats can often be tamed by low gentle human interaction over an extended period of time which can lead to a huggable kitty after a few months. A daily hug will also remind your cats that they are the cats meow in your eyes. It can often be easy to neglect the pet/human bond with a cat because of their relative self-sufficiency but it is important to take some time everyday to hug and love your kitty to remind them you are there for them.

#2 Hugs are great for your health – Hugs help to raise your spirits by releasing good-feeling endorphins. Endorphins can help speed up the recovery from an illness, alleviate symptoms associated with major illnesses, lessen symptoms from depression, anxiety and stress. People who suffer from physical and mental diseases often feel alone and a cat can decrease those feelings by creating an intimacy with its owner through hugs and snuggles. In this day and age of busy lives, we do not have the time to get away on a vacation or for a stress free day of relaxation every time we are feeling stressed. Taking 10 minutes to sit down and hug your kitty may provide the mental recharge you need to feel reinvigorated for the rest of your day. Hugging your cat also helps to lower blood pressure and even lower cholesterol which helps treat heart disease, leads to fewer doctor visits and a significant reduction in minor health problems.

#3 Hugs help with your cat’s health – Just as with your health a hug from a human can help improve your cat’s health. Cats understand their environment best though their highly developed sense of touch. Gentle hugging and petting has shown to help ill cat’s symptoms to improve, encourage them to eat, and become less stressed while staying in a medical facility for treatment. You may consider your cat to be aloof but, in reality they want to be social creatures. Behavioral issues such as aggressive or destructive behavior have been shown to improve with daily reinforcement of love and kindness though hugs and petting.

#4 Hugs lead to purring – Scientists have been trying to discover the reason behind why cats purr for years. An unintentional discovery behind the research found that the sonic frequency of a cats purr helps to aid in reducing pain and accelerating healing with everything from sore muscles to helping to mend bones.

#5 Hugging is reassuring – Hugging for you and your cat is reassuring for both of you. It helps to remind your kitty that you are there for them even when things may be disruptive from major changes such as a new addition to the family or a change in their environment because of a move or remodeling or minor changes such as visitors, holiday decorations, or load noises from fireworks or holiday parties. Hugging also reassures you that your kitty is  providing their unconditional love. Your cat will not hold a grudge, become mad, or talk behind your back when things are tough. The thought of being able to hug you cat after a tough day may be the boost you need to make it through a tough a time.  

National Hug Your Cat Day is a great excuse to show your cat extra affection, improve the human/animal bond, improve your health and your animals and remind your kitty that they are loved. Now jump to your feet and find your special fur ball and give them a hug!!!