We got both of our dogs from a shelter. Sasha came from the ARL and Emmitt came from the Montgomery county SPCA. Seems where ever our friend Tracie worked, we ended up with a dog. Not that we are complaining….we feel these dogs rescued US. Our family was going through some rough times and my husband and I both needed something. We got Sasha our German Shepherd while our Newfoundland was getting pretty old. They had a year together and he passed. Sasha just seemed to make us laugh. The joy she brought me, I thought my husband needed the same….Tracie called, we took a look and Emmitt came home with us! I have always said if we had big enough pockets, our dogs would be in them and with us all day long! Both dogs were very thin when they came home with us. It didn’t take too long for either one to gain weight and adjust. Sasha still has some anxiety when I leave, and Emmitt thinks he’s a lap dog. We love them both and are extremely happy they found us!
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