Back to School Anxiety in Your Pet 2016

Summer is a great time filled with swimming, hiking, and playing in the yard with our faithful friends. As the summer comes to a close and parents send their children back to school, it is important to remember that our four legged friends may feel lonely after having their best buddies home all summer. As [...]

Celebrating Deaf Dog Awareness Week 2016

Deaf Dog Awareness Week was created to bring awareness to owning a deaf dog.  Deaf dogs make great pets, and some people will argue, listen more than their dog that is not deaf. Watch Joe’s Dog Pack Story. Dogs can become deaf in many of the same ways that humans can: injury, old age or [...]

Hot Car Safety

It is a sunny summer day, the perfect day to get out of the house and enjoy the weather.  Many well-meaning owners take their pets along for a ride while running errands, only to end up at their veterinarian with a critically ill pet. It is important to understand hot car safety.  Veterinarians hear it every [...]

Heartworm Disease

What is heartworm disease?  Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition caused by infection with the Dirofilaria immitis parasite. The larvae are transmitted through the bite of a mosquito carrying the infective stage of heartworm. Heartworms mature and migrate throughout the body, eventually inhabiting the arteries of the lungs and the right side [...]

Hairballs…Not Everything Small and Furry is Adorable

Hairballs...not everything small and furry is adorable.  You step out of bed blurred eyed, not fully awake when all of a sudden your foot makes contact with something cold, soft and wet. Cats are fastidious groomers, grooming between 2-3 hours per day, in the process of grooming the surface of their tongue’s barb-like protrusions on [...]

The 9 Lies of Cats

Lie #1:  Indoor Cats Are Never Exposed To The Outdoors   Truth: The outdoors always comes in. Even if your cat is strictly indoors, they are still at risk for parasites. Parasites can hitch a ride on your dog, your shoes or they can sneak through a window or door. Having a clean and well [...]

Fun Fur Facts PLUS “How to” Remove Hairballs

Fun Fur Facts About Cats 1. Trichobezoar is the proper name for hairballs. It comes from the Greek root, trich, which means "hair." A bezoar is any mass found in the stomach or intestines. It comes from the Persian word for "antidote or protection from poison." 2. Most cats will consume about 6 oz of [...]

National Hug Your Cat Day

  National Hug Your Cat Day - June 4th.  Find a kitty and celebrate!!! You maybe laughing at the idea of National Hug Your Cat Day, but do you know there are some important reasons to reach out and hug your cat. Research has found that hugging your feline friend is extremely effective at [...]

Exotic Pets: Tardis the Blue Crayfish with a Case of the Blues.

Five years ago our family was gifted an exotic pet - a large, brown crayfish from our son’s third grade classroom named Clawzilla. He was a great pet, needing minimal care but still enjoyable for the family and 8 house cats to interact with. We would decorate the outside of his aquarium with holiday decorations while [...]

Dog Bites “The Facts”

Dog bites send nearly 368,000 victims to hospital emergency departments per year (1,008 per day).  According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2006, more than 31,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs. (Centers for Disease Control, Dog Bite Prevention, accessed May 20, 2013.) 16,476 dog bites to persons aged [...]

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