Ultrasound – The Learning Continues for Dr. Hanlon

Dr. Hanlon enrolled in an intensive ultrasound course that took him to Sound Eklin in Arlington, Texas for four weeks.  The course was an extensive study of both abdominal and cardiac ultrasound and included many tests and even homework!  Dr. Hanlon loves to learn new things so this was a very exciting and challenging course for [...]

To Leash or Not To Leash

I was recently walking my seven year old dog, Sadie Jane, in our neighborhood and out of the corner of my eye I saw a dog off leash running toward us. I quickly gripped up on Sadie's leash when I realized that the owner was chasing her dog and seemed to be panicked. I knew that [...]

Bean – A Very Special Golden Retriever

A very special Golden Retriever puppy entered the veterinary office where Dr. Sarah Kearse worked almost 7 years ago.  At that time he was diagnosed with a very serious heart murmur.  The puppy, the runt of the litter, was brought into the hospital by a breeder and the diagnosis was that he was not [...]

Fit and Fun in the New Year

The New Year is approaching and many people make the resolution to get healthier through diet, exercise, and eating healthy. This New Year's resolution doesn’t need to be just for us humans - now is the time for your pet to begin a new year with their best paw forward. Pet obesity is on the [...]

Pet Wellness Report

  Celebrating the Bond Between You and Your Pet  We know you love your pet and we appreciate the time and devotion involved with being a good pet owner.  That’s why we now offer the Pet Wellness Report®. The Pet Wellness Report® provides a more complete picture of your pet’s health and takes just 10 [...]

We are Thankful

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward “No duty is more urgent than that of giving thanks.” – James Allen “Silent gratitude isn’t very much use to anyone.” – Gertrude Stein At this special time of year, we are thankful for many things, [...]

GVH Looks Back on One Year of Social Media

One year ago our team launched the Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital website and our Facebook page to begin sharing our knowledge and passion for veterinary medicine.  As we celebrate our one year anniversary of social media, we wanted to take some time to look back at 10 of our most popular posts. TOP 10 Posts Information [...]

Costume Contest – A Look Back at Some of Last Year’s Participants

Last year was our first GVH Costume Contest and the beginning of the Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital Facebook Page.  We were so lucky to have many clients and their pets participate.  We thought it would be fun to take a look back at some of last year’s participants… Zoey Not only was "Zoey" a hit in her [...]

World Rabies Day

Celebrate World Rabies Day on September 28th by getting the facts on rabies prevention and ensuring that you and your family are free from rabies.  We have a wealth of information on our website that shares facts about prevention and rabies in our communities. Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals usually transmitted through the [...]

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