Chewing is a Common Problem

At some point every dog owner returns home to the unexpected mangled item on the floor.  If you google destructive puppies or dogs there is enough evidence to indicate that chewing is a common problem that almost every owner deals with.  Some dog breeds are more prone to chew that other dog breeds.  The top five [...]

Hairballs…Not Everything Small and Furry is Adorable

Hairballs...not everything small and furry is adorable.  You step out of bed blurred eyed, not fully awake when all of a sudden your foot makes contact with something cold, soft and wet. Cats are fastidious groomers, grooming between 2-3 hours per day, in the process of grooming the surface of their tongue’s barb-like protrusions on [...]

How to Prevent and Treat Hairballs

Every so often, your otherwise adorable cat will do an alarming and somewhat disgusting thing. She’ll awake from a peaceful nap, rise up on her paws, retch convulsively for a moment or two, and spit up what may appear at first glance to be a damp clump. What kitty has regurgitated in the middle of [...]

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