Pet Sitter: The Right Fit For You

When preparing to go away, pet owners often find themselves wondering what the best care for their pet would be. While kennels are a great place for pets to be social, receive daily care, and are safe, they aren’t always the best option for all pets.  If your pet tends to become more stressed in [...]

Vet with PTSD Comforted by Therapy Dog

Struggling with PTSD and alcohol abuse, Iraq veteran Randy Dexter was desperate for help. Could a dog named Ricochet come to his rescue?  by Randy Dexter There are probably thousands of veterans who have a story like mine: Enlisted in the Army. Got deployed. Saw combat. Got blasted by an IED. I signed up at [...]

Your Pet’s Dental Care Is Important

Dental care is an important part of your pet’s overall health. Left untreated, dental disease can lead to problems within the mouth such as pain, bad breath, and tooth loss but can also cause disease elsewhere in the body, like the heart and kidneys. While your veterinarian can diagnose and treat these problems, it is [...]

What is a Pyometra?

Mrs. Jones was waiting in the exam room with Princess on a busy Monday morning.  I greeted them with a “Good morning, Ladies!” Ms. Jones had a nervous smile in reply.  “Dr. Hanlon, I am worried about Princess.  She hasn’t had a good appetite for the past week and now she is drinking water [...]

Life with Chickens

I want a horse, a cow, couple of pigs, a few goats but CHICKENS??? That was never on my list.  But here I am at 32 raising and loving 8 wonderful chickens.  Last March my husband and I purchased a home with a few acres of land. We ventured out to Tractor Supply and found [...]

How to Clean Your Pet’s Ears

If you own a dog, it’s likely that at some point in their life you’ve had to treat an ear infection. There are lots of reasons that dogs develop ear infections, the most common is that water gets into the ear, which produces a moist warm environment that allows yeast and bacteria to grow. These [...]

Weight Loss Success!!

Rusty in June 2014 at 109 pounds. Rusty today at 89 pounds. We had the opportunity to ask one of our clients, Brad Derstine, to share his dog, Rusty's, weight loss success!! Here are Brad's answers to questions about his and Rusty's journey toward weight loss success and a healthier life. Q:  What’s Rusty’s story…..when [...]

Careers in Veterinary Medicine – Part 2

Earlier we talked about careers in veterinary medicine which included career options that are available in private and corporate veterinary hospitals. This month we are going to take a look at different career options available to veterinarians - because not all veterinarians see patients. Research Veterinarians that work in research focus on finding solutions and [...]

Most Commonly Treated Cat Toxins

Over the years the team at Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital has seen many cats that have accidently ingested some common household items. Here is a list of the top most commonly treated cat toxins: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications (NSAIDS): The most common include Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Just like their canine counterparts, cats are very sensitive to these types [...]

Toxic Food – Harmful for Your Dog

We all know that certain things can be harmful for your dog if eaten. Toxic food (toxic to your dog) such as chocolate, onions, and grapes are the most common culprits. However, it is important to understand that there are many misconceptions about what is okay to feed your dog. Often times, things are [...]

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