Health Risk Assessment for Senior Pets

Your pet can't talk and often shows no signs when something is wrong.  So how do you know?  To get a more complete picture of your pet's health, we ask clients to complete a Health Risk Assessment prior to their appointments.  This allows your veterinarian to focus on what is important for your pet's health. The [...]

Meet Little Boy Jack

  My little boy Jack is the best pet I have ever had. Jack is a medium length fur orange barn tabby that I rescued from the Berks Co. Humane Society when he was 8 weeks old. Ever since then, I have been his mama cat. Jack loves to play fetch, snuggle, eat and [...]

Sash & Emmitt

We got both of our dogs from a shelter. Sasha came from the ARL and Emmitt came from the Montgomery county SPCA. Seems where ever our friend Tracie worked, we ended up with a dog. Not that we are complaining….we feel these dogs rescued US. Our family was going through some rough times and my [...]

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