Pet Poison HelplineCommon household items such as plants, foods, medications and chemicals can harm your pet if ingested.  Kat one of GVH’s newest certified veterinary technicians shared this tip for feline pet owners.  Easter Lilies and Poinsettia plants are both beautiful and commonly used to decorate during the holidays.  Keep in mind if you have an indoor cat that these plants are toxic if ingested by your pet.

Check out Pet Poison Helpline for more information about preventing pet poisoning.  Pet Poison has also created a new Iphone App with a comprehensive database that includes more than 250 toxins, each with a description, list of symptoms and a full color photo, which is very helpful for identifying poisonous plants and flowers.

Next time you visit our hospital ask on of the client care specialist for a sticker from VPI Pet Insurance on the top human medication that are toxic to pets.