Weight Loss Success!!

Rusty in June 2014 at 109 pounds. Rusty today at 89 pounds. We had the opportunity to ask one of our clients, Brad Derstine, to share his dog, Rusty's, weight loss success!! Here are Brad's answers to questions about his and Rusty's journey toward weight loss success and a healthier life. Q:  What’s Rusty’s story…..when [...]

Toxic Food – Harmful for Your Dog

We all know that certain things can be harmful for your dog if eaten. Toxic food (toxic to your dog) such as chocolate, onions, and grapes are the most common culprits. However, it is important to understand that there are many misconceptions about what is okay to feed your dog. Often times, things are [...]

Dogs Eating Strange Objects – See What Bella Ate

I had always heard about dogs eating strange objects, and couldn’t help but think “How did they get that?” Well, I experienced my own personal nightmare when my dog ingested a sewing needle. My mom always watches my girls, Bella and Cammi, my two pitbull mixes, for a few hours while I am at work. [...]

Back to School With Your Dog

The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to go back to school with your dog too! Since dogs can learn at all ages and stages of life, it is never too late to correct bad habits, teach new tricks, and improve your relationship with your dog. Enrolling your dog in a training program [...]

Willie G.’s Heartworm Story

Willie G., our beautiful Jack Russell, was diagnosed in May, 2015 with Heartworm Disease. He had been tested previously and it always came back negative. So it came as quite a surprise when he was positive. The treatment of Heartworm disease is challenging to say the least. The hardest part is keeping Willie G. quiet. [...]

Keeping Your Pets Safe in the Heat

Summer is a time of rising temperatures, thick humidity, and intense storms. It is difficult enough for humans to cope with these conditions, let alone our furry friends. Here are a few simple steps for keeping your pets safe in the heat. #1 NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET IN A PARKED CAR. On a cool day [...]

National Pet Fire Safety Day 2015

July 15th marks The American Kennel Club and ADT Security Services National Pet Fire Safety Day.  An estimated 500,000 pets are affected annually by home fires. What steps do you have in place to assure your pets' safety? There are many ways to help keep your pets safe in the event of a fire.  [...]

4th of July Safety for Your Pet

The 4th of July, the celebration of the birth of our nation, is a day of good food, fun, celebrating with friends and family, and fireworks.  But for some of our pets, it can be a day of anxiety. Pets experience the world through their senses and those senses - smell, vision, and hearing- are overloaded. [...]

Anal Glands Can Be A Smelly Problem

You may be wondering why your dog or cat is dragging his bum across the floor. It may be an issue with their anal glands. Anal glands are two small glands just inside of your pet’s anus. They produce a thick, oily, smelly substance that in wild animals is used to mark territory or for [...]

Ever Leave Poop Behind?

Ever leave poop behind?  "You can make a difference to our environment by being a responsible pet owner. Be prepared. Carry bags with you to pick up pet waste. It’s a good idea to carry a few extras with you in case you meet someone in need. Collect your pet’s poop in a bag and [...]

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